The HTWS Songwriter Community

Become part of our community of passionate songwriters, future collaborators, and songwriting mentors, led by Keppie, Benny, and the HTWS team.

What do you access when you become a Songwriter Community Member?

Our Premium members have access to:

  • Two monthly live song feedback sessions—submit your original work and receive specific, kind, and actionable feedback from Keppie, Benny & your peers, so that you can improve your songs, and aren’t left wondering how to get them from good to great.
  • Our regular live Songwriting Workshops, that cover a range of songwriting topics and processes, from basic and advanced chords, writing your best lyrics, mastering song form, creating beautiful melodies, and more—to give you more advanced techniques and methods so that your songs stand out.
  • The Songwriter Q&A Space—a dedicated place to ask any questions you have. What’s that chord? What is the song form of your favorite songs? Why is this melody so good? When you have questions, the mentors and peers in the Community will have answers.
  • The Community Space—share ideas, resources, inspiration, works-in-progress; and meet potential collaborators from around the world in our Community Space.
  • Ongoing Resources—Keppie and Benny share an ongoing collection of up-to-date resources and references, including video tutorials, song break-downs, articles, and more—to fill your creative well so that you always have inspiration and tools at your fingertips.


  hours  minutes  seconds


Join by May 30, and access the June Songwriting Group for free.

Find out more about the Songwriting Groups here.

Kind Words from Community Members

Mikey F.

West Virginia, USA

“I find it hard to say how much my songwriting has improved since I joined…I feel like I’m able to get my songs about 80% of the way there, and the feedback from Keppie and Benny help to steer that last vital 20%, that I wouldn’t have been able to do on my own.”

Liio C.


“I feel so incredibly lucky and overwhelmed, in such an amazing way, by the live feedback session today, and the Chorus Workshop I’ve attended so far. You are so inspiring, Keppie! Thank you for all the feedback I got on the song I brought in, and also for the tips, resources, and of course a big thank you for listening!”

Who is the HTWS Songwriter Community for?

The Community is for songwriters of any level of experience who want:


Songwriting can be a lonely and isolated pursuit. Doing it within a community keeps you motivated, supported, encouraged, and inspired.

Knowledge & Skills

Not everyone has the time or money to do a music degree, or to spend endless hours on YouTube (!) cobbling together random information! Our Workshops (8 per year) are designed to give your the highest quality content, to update your skills and knowledge, all filtered through the lens of what is immediately useful and applicable in a contemporary songwriting context.


It’s hard to know what to do with songs you know could be better. It’s hard to know where to go to get feedback, from a trusted source, who will hold your heart gently and give you kind, specific, and actionable guidance. Keppie & Benny have taught thousands of students for over 10 years in formal (and informal) higher education institutions, and are some of the most experienced facilitators of helpful, kind, specific, and actionable feedback out there.

Join our global Community of songwriters, and write your best songs!

Basic Community Membership

$10/month (paid annually)

Community Space

Songwriter Resource Feed

Discounts to Workshops and Events

Spotlight on: 2x monthly live Song Feedback Sessions

We hold two live 90-minute song feedback sessions per month for our Premium members, covering time zones around the world to make sure anyone, anywhere can attend.

In 90 minutes, we usually have time to put the spotlight on 3-4 songs (selected randomly). Keppie and Benny are experts at identifying the most important elements in your song to magnify in on in order to make your song stronger, no matter what stage of the songwriting process your song is at.

Feedback is always Kind, Specific, and Actionable. You’ll always leave the sessions feeling empowered, positive, and equipped with actionable ways to work on your songs.

Feedback always highlights songwriting techniques, tools, and concepts that are invaluable to everyone – so even if your song is not selected for review, you’ll also walk away full of ideas and inspiration on how to improve your own songs and songwriting.

Kind Words from Workshop Participants

David Favelle


Workshop: Write a Song in 90 Mins

“The workshop has provided structure and language for my songwriting process. Coming at it Title/Chorus first is very different and beneficial for me. And crafting the song tone and melodies as you go along is a very productive approach that captures the mood and intent brilliantly.”

Candace C.

South Carolina, USA

“Keppie and Ben are great, patient, teachers and have a knack for finding the best in everyone’s songs and gently guiding them into improvements….Highly recommend!”